jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Destacan beneficios de nueva Ley de Fortalecimiento a la Marina Mercante

La Ley para el Fortalecimiento de la Marina Mercante y de la Industria Naval Mexicanas, aprobada recientemente por la Cámara de Diputados y turnada al Senado de la República para su revisión, debate y aprobación, contempla beneficios para la industria desde el punto de vista de Juan Carlos Merodio, Socio del despacho M&L Estudio Legal.
En su perspectiva, destaca la creación del Comité de Apoyo a la Marina Mercante y la Industria Naval, cuyo objetivo principal será la de participar en la redacción de instrumentos de políticas públicas, estando conformado por un representante de Hacienda, Economía, Comunicaciones y Transportes, Energía y Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación; y en donde las asociaciones relacionadas podrán participar como asesoras del Comité.
Asimismo, contempla la creación del Folio Especial para los buques comerciales de bandera extranjera, a través del cual, los propietarios de estos barcos estarán autorizados para registrarlos ante la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT) en el Registro Público Marítimo Nacional en una categoría especial.
Una vez registrados, los buques de pabellón extranjero estarán sujetos al mismo trato que los buques con de bandera mexicana, con el fin de obtener los beneficios introducidos por la nueva ley, especialmente con respecto de la preferencia de la carga.
Para registrar una nave de bandera extranjera en el Folio Especial, el propietario del buque debe cumplir con ciertos requisitos, el más importante es un compromiso de que el buque va a tener por lo menos el 50% de la tripulación mexicana durante tres años.
En cuanto a la preferencia de la carga, Merodio López menciona en su estudio que para los buques mexicanos y buques de pabellón extranjero bajo el Folio Especial se estipula en la Ley que tendrán preferencia respecto a la totalidad de importación y exportación propiedad de entidades gubernamentales o paraestatales.
Respecto de la industria naval y los astilleros mexicanos, el abogado señala que pueden beneficiarse de un trato especial o preferencia en la construcción, reparación y mantenimiento requerido por los armadores y entidades, tanto privadas, como del gobierno mexicano, para lo cual las instalaciones tendrán que someterse a un proceso de registro ante la autoridad para obtener una Constancia de Preferencia.
La Comisión de Marina de la Cámara de Diputados aprobó el pasado 23 de abril el dictamen con proyecto de decreto por el que se expide la Ley y actualmente se encuentra en el Senado, en la espera de que sea aprobada y se convierte en una regulación vinculante.
El nuevo marco legal tiene como objetivo favorecer, robustecer y ampliar las oportunidades para la marina mercante mexicana, además de las empresas nacionales que participan en el sector, frente a los retos de competitividad que presenta el mercado internacional.

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Donald Trump y la pobre Marina Mercante Mexicana.

Donald Trump y la pobre marina mercante mexicana.
Por: Juan Carlos Merodio López
Socio-Director de M&L Estudio Legal
Presidente de la Fundación México-País Marítimo A.C.
La elección del señor  Donald Trump como Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, prendió los focos rojos en nuestro país. Sucedió lo inesperado, contra todos los pronósticos y encuestas , al igual que con los temas del Brexit  ingles y el acuerdo de paz colombiano.
Y desde las voces del gobierno mexicano, hasta las de los mas destacados expertos de economía y política exterior , pasando por los intelectuales de los medios de comunicación mexicanos, se escuchan múltiples opiniones concentradas en dos temas principales: el famoso muro fronterizo y temas migratorios , por una parte, y la amenaza de revisión o cancelación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de America del Norte, así como el relativo al Traspacífico, por la otra.
Considerando que alrededor del ochenta por ciento de nuestro comercio exterior se realiza con el vecino del norte, en verdad las consecuencias que traería para nuestro país la cancelación del TLC, pueden ser sin duda, por decir lo menos, catastróficas.
Así pues ante tal eventualidad, la reacción y recomendación es repetida mil veces, “ hay que diversificar nuestros mercados de exportación e importación de inmediato”, se opina  fácilmente.  
La pregunta es ¿como adelantar la diversificación de mercados exteriores si no contamos con la herramienta fundamental para ello? , me refiero precisamente a la Marina Mercante Mexicana, que la poca existente se encuentra en su mayoría concentrada en la industria petrolera del Golfo de México.
Recuérdese  que aproximadamente el 85% del comercio internacional se realiza por vía marítima , y este que resulta el medio de transporte mas importante del mundo, esta controlado por los grandes consorcios navieros de las tradicionales potencias mundiales. ¿Como diversificar entonces nuestro comercio exterior hacia otros mercados, si no tenemos los barcos para instrumentar tal estrategia?, me pregunto ahora, y es la misma pregunta que vengo haciendo durante los últimos 20 años en los distintos foros nacionales e internacionales a los que repetidamente soy invitado.
Según el Reporte Marítimo UNCTAD-2016 la flota mercante mundial  es de  90,917 barcos , haciendo un total de 1.8 billones de toneladas de peso muerto.  México, con su raquítica flota mercante registrada , ni siquiera aparece en la lista.
Por eso es que México esta subordinado a los itinerarios para los puertos de sus buques que fijan las empresas navieras de países extranjeros .
Repito, como vamos a diversificar mercados internacionales, si por años el gobierno mexicano se ha olvidado de apoyar el desarrollo de la flota mercante mexicana. Y ahora, ese olvido nos duele, de veras.  
Hace ya algunos siglos atrás se escucho la frase atribuida a Sir Walter Raleigh : “ Quien domina el mar, domina el comercio, quien domina el comercio, domina el mundo”
Así era, así es y así seguirá siendo.
Que nos sirva esta experiencia para finalmente abrir los ojos, darnos la vuelta y dejar de dar la espalda al mar. El tiempo apremia.

28 de Noviembre, 2016

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

CURSO PANORAMA DE DERECHO MARITIMO- Veracruz, Mexico / Agosto 2016



Juan Carlos Merodio López, Socio Director de M&L Estudio Legal, fue distinguido en la categoría Mexico: Leading Shipping And Transport Lawyer Of The Year-2016 en el marco de la entrega de los ACQ Global Awards organizados por parte de la revista británica ACQ5.
Merodio López es abogado, con diplomado en finanzas por The Euromoney Institute de Londres, Inglaterra, y finalizó sus estudios de maestría en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
En 1991 fue socio principal y fundador de la firma M&L Estudio Legal, firma dedicada a la consultoría y representación de asuntos en materia de transporte y desarrollo de infraestructura.
Cabe señalar que los ACQ Global Awards reconocen los éxitos, la innovación y la excelencia, de manera anual, de los profesionales de negocios alrededor del mundo.
La selección de los premios se realiza mediante un procedimiento en el cual la propia industria elige a los ganadores y uno de los temas que se toman en cuenta para la premiación es el uso de las mejores prácticas dentro de la industria.
Para esta edición en el proceso de selección de ganadores participaron más de 128 mil votantes alrededor del mundo.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Laytime and Demurrage. Speech by John Schofield on the 30th anniversary of the texbook.

Laytime and Demurrage Reception – 26th May 2016 – John Schofield’s  Address

My Lord’s, ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of Taylor and Francis, their parent company, Informa, as well as Michael Daiches and myself, may we welcome you to this Reception to mark the 30th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of my book, Laytime and Demurrage in 1986 and the publication of the 7th edition earlier this year.  It also marks 35 years of Mike Daiches’ tenure as Editor of Lloyd’s Maritime Law Newsletter.
The origins of the concept of Laytime and Demurrage,  can, as Chapter One of the 7th edition of my book makes clear,  via the Laws of Oleron and  Eleanor of Acquitaine, the wife first of Henry VII of France, then Henry II of England (who is in the news this week, which has been dubbed Henry II week for what happened to Thomas a Becket),   be traced back to the Lex Rhodia which governed trade in the Mediterranean for over a thousand years. It was Eleanor who was also   the mother of Richard I, Richard the Lionheart, and regent whilst he was away at the crusades,  who introduced  the laws of Oleron, part of her native Acquitaine,  into English law.
My own connections with the sea and maritime matters, do not go back quite that far, but they do go back  55 years to when I joined  Dartmouth or Britannia Royal Naval College,  HMS DARTMOUTH to give it its full name, in 1961. I am particularly pleased to see 2 of those who joined the Navy with me, so long ago, with us today.  In those days, there was no graduate entry to Dartmouth so I went straight from school.
A few years later when Mike Daiches joined, he already had a law degree.
I joined as a General List officer and the Murray Scheme of entry, under which I joined  provided for a four year training cycle before being given my first complement job.  That involved time at Dartmouth undergoing partly professional and partly academic training,  a term as a Cadet in the Dartmouth Training Squadron and a year in the fleet as a Midshipman.  The wider experience I gained in that period ranged from a number of hours flying training in Tiger Moth biplanes at Robourgh airport, made of wood and canvas, doing low altitude bomb attacks on the Cape Wrath lighthouse in Hawker Hunter jets  and even submarine escape training from a 100 foot tower at HMS DOLPHIN at Gosport to stripping down a diesel engine and rebuilding it in the workshops at Dartmouth. I can assure you that if you have ever done a loop the loop in an open cockpit biplane and looked up at the ground, that is something  you will not forget.
At the end of the 4 year cycle having gained a certificate of competence  as a daytime bridge watch keeper and an Ocean Navigation Certifcate confirming my competence at star and sun sights , I was one of half a dozen officers provisionally selected for full time legal training lasting  approaching 4 years, the first two years being to get up to law degree standard, then the Bar Professional  Training Course, call to the Bar and finally pupillage. The Navy’s thinking at the time was that you can turn a sailor into a lawyer but not the other way round.  That half dozen provisionally selected was eventually reduced to two to actually undergo legal training  and I was one of the two so selected to start training at the Inns of Court School of Law here in Gray’s Inn in 1972, after eleven years in the Navy. It was also in 1972 that I joined Gray’s Inn.
Amongst those I met when I arrived at Gray’s Inn was my good friend Jim Collins, who is with us today and who can fairly be described at the Godfather of Laytime and Demurrage.  Having returned from Uganda, where he was a teacher, Jim decided to strike out in a new direction and read for the Bar, but because his first degree was in Physics and pure Mathematics, he also was required to do  the course at the Inns of Court School of Law to get up to law degree standard, as did another friend of ours, Guy Jones, who is due to go into hospital today for an operation tomorrow and who we wish well, who also had to do the degree standard course, even though he did have a law degree, although one issued by Perth Univerity, that is Perth in Western Australia.  After we were each called to the Bar, we all  went our separate ways, me back to the Navy,  I left the Navy in 1980, my last job being standing by HMS GLASGOW during fitting out in Swan Hunter’s Shipyard and participating in extended sea trials of over 6 months with her, invaluable experience for dealing with shipbuilding disputes.
On leaving the Navy, I  got a job with Bilbrough’s the Managers of the London P&I Club, handling the full range of P&I and Defence cases, including laytime and demurrage cases.  Jim, who by then had gone back to teaching, but this time teaching law at what is now part of Middlesex University,  persuaded me to do a 2 year part time course at what is now the Guildhall University, resulting in me gaining a Master’s degree in Business law.
Jim then approached Lloyds of London press, saying he would like to write a law book asking what would they like it to be on. They said they would like a book on  Laytime and Demurrage.  He said he didn’t know anything about laytime and demurrage  but he knew someone who did, me, so we signed a contract that we would produce a 150,000 word draft  within 12 months.
Towards the end of that period, in mid 1984, Jim got the offer of an excellent job in Hong Kong, which he naturally accepted.  By then I had written 10,000 words but had also done a lot of research, which left me with the decision of whether to complete the project on my own or abandon it.  I decided to complete it.  The first edition in those pre-desk top days was produced on a manual portable typewriter with the aid of a bottle of snopake.
There is a quotation about writing this sort of book from Sir Winston Churhill, who said:
“It starts off as a mild flirtation, it becomes a love affair, a deep and passionate matter and when you can stand the pain no more, it is flung upon an ungrateful public.”
The first part is certainly true, but perhaps not the last.
For at least the last six months before completion,  I was starting work on the book at 5 am, working for a couple of hours and then going off to my day job at Bilbrough’s plus working at least one full day each weekend.  It put quite a strain on my family to whom, I would like to say sorry, to  my daughters who are with us here tonight   and  their mother, who is unable to be with us tonight. 
Anyway it was eventually done 2 years late and I delivered the manuscript to the publishers, who I assumed would send it to a High Court judge or some other eminent lawyer to pronounce on its worth.  However just 6 weeks later, I got a phone call from Ted, the production man at Lloyds asking if I could read the proofs.  Incidentally that production time was much quicker than any subsequent edition.   [show first edition]
The second edition  was published in 1990, by which time I had left Bilbrough’s and become a director of Ravenscroft Shipping, a firm of Baltic Exchange shipbrokers and London Agents for various South American ship owners and Chartering interests and a Principal on the Baltic Exchange, and this second edition together with the third edition of Time Charters, published the previous year and the first edition of The Ratification of Maritime Comventions  also published in 1990, formed the basis of the Lloyd’s Shipping Law series, which currently  stands at 28 titles.
In the early 1990s, I was asked by Texaco to analyse and report on the demurrage due in respect of 250 voyages in respect of which they were in dispute with the  US Internal Revenue Service and for which Texaco bought me my first computer.  That was my introduction to the world of computers.  A couple of weeks before I was due to give evidence in Houston. Texaco settled their dispute.
In September 1993, I was approached by Mr Zhang Yong Jian, the Deputy Managing Director of Dalian Ocean Shipping Co, part of the Cosco Group, who asked my permission to translate my book, Laytime and Demurrage into Chinese, a request I passed on the publishers.   They gave their approval to this project and this is the results of his labours in the familiar Lloyds Shipping law colours.  I must say that producing a Chinese translation must have been an even more daunting task than writing the book in the first place.  Laytime and Demurrage is, as far as I know, the only major English law text book to be translated into Chinese.
The Maritime Law Newsletter was first published in 1979 and the very first edition contained a relatively short report of a laytime and demurrage arbitration case.  Mike Daiches has taken  that concept of reporting awards in an anonymous form  and developed it with such awards now being reported in a numbered series.  In 2015, 19 such cases were reported, of which I was a member of the tribunal in 10 of them, and drafted 9 of those awards.
Laytime and Demurrage was the first text book to include reports of Arbitration awards as published in the Newsletter, and did so from the first edition. All the major text books have now adopted this practice.
I am sometimes asked if the majority of my arbitration cases are laytime and demurrage cases.  The answer is that normally only a small proportion are such cases.  I mentioned the Texaco cases earlier.  However,  I and two senior LMAA colleagues are about to publish an award relating to a COA and the demurrage due in respect of 81 disputed voyages plus sums due under the Asbatankvoy form of charter ice clause. Although every voyage charter has an ice clause relating to delays due to ice,  there are remarkably few cases relating to such delays and the last reported case was in the 1920s, almost 100 years ago. The total sum  in issue in this case is around USD 4.5, million.most of which is demurrage
London Arbitration is sometimes criticised as slow and costly. I would only mention that earlier this year, as sole arbitrator, I published two awards for unpaid freight, in each case approaching USD 1.5 million.  Each case took just 22 days from presentation of Claims submissions to publication of the award and the cost of each was only £2,500 less than that payable under the Small Claims procedure.  I contrast that with a challenge in the High Court made to an award I published last year. Submissions relating to the application for leave to appeal were completed in August, but it took until the end of February this year, over six months, for the High Court to reject the application, which they did in a half page email stating that the application was unjustified.
I will ask Mike Daiches  if he wishes to add anything and after he has done so, I would invite you all to enjoy yourselves and circulate widely, and talk not  just to those you already  know, but talk to those both younger and older than yourself.  You will certainly make new acquaintances and possibly new friends.

Thank you very much.